Denise Williams, a dedicated reporter in her late twenties, works at the bustling newsroom of "Real News Atlanta." Having always conformed to the conventional straight-haired appearance for television, Denise unexpectedly finds herself at a crossroads due to a hairdressing mishap. She arrives at work one day, proudly donning her natural hair, a bold departure from her usual look.
This unforeseen change catches the attention of her manager and news director, Todd, who perceives Denise's natural hairstyle as a potential risk to the show's ratings. He strongly suggests that she revert to her previous hairstyle immediately, leaving Denise in a profound dilemma.
Confronted with the choice between her professional aspirations and embracing her authentic self, Denise faces a defining moment. Will she yield to the pressures of her career, or will she stand firm in her identity, challenging the norms and expectations of her workplace?
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Produced by
Shades of Cinema
Daja' Sienna, Miller Robinson, Chontal Willis, Mary Whitehead, Dillin Olshonsky
Directed by
Cory Williams
Release Date
August 2016